Washing liquid labeling machine such as dishwashing liquid, toilet, dinner, etc. is because there is a lot of packaging in this industry. The more quality, luxury and attractive packaging you have, the more customers will buy your products.
Vafa wrap around labeling machine and Vafa front and back labeling machine are the best options for washing liquid labeler.
If you only have round containers and you intend to put these round containers in different types of adhesive labels , Vafa warp around labeling machine is the right .option for your labeling needs
If, in addition to round containers, flat containers with square, rectangular and… If you have and plan to label all these containers, double-sided double-purpose female label is the right choice for you.
It should be noted that all Wafa labelers do not have any restrictions on the size and type of containers, as well as the type of labels, and you can use Wafa labelers for all types of containers, as well as all the adhesive back labels available in the market, including paper, shell, Transparent, metallized and ……. use.